Not so very long ago, a man stepped across his doorway for the first time in eight years. He blinked at the sun and thought, “I haven’t been missing much…”

Life was a lot better underground. He found the sociological behaviors of the worms intriguing.

He wondered… how could simple organisms be so gosh darn gross and ugly.

The only logical answer was evolution because God only makes beautiful things.

It was so ugly it really only had one option. “You’ll be needing plastic surgery,” he told it.

The surgeon assured the pygmy goat that after the plastic surgery it would look just as tall as a normal goat.

The pygmy goat was relieved; he had always been envious of taller goats like LeBaaan James, but the chance to stand among them as an equal was more than he could have dreamed.

If he learned anything from LeBaaan James it was that an acting career was easy to obtain and easy to perfect.

He then strived to star in Steven Spielberg’s new action flick.

All he had to do was to convince Steven that he was a human. It was harder than it sounded.

“Steven, please!” he cried, desperately longing to be loved and accepted. “I’m human! I swear!”

“Human?” Steven stuttered. I nodded, “Human!” He crowed in triumph and, throwing his arms around me, embraced me like a brother.

Unfortunately, I was wrong.


These stories are collected from two evenings of collective story-telling at the theme house. Authors are credited in the tags.

We never saw this day coming. Rain ceased to fall, cats ceased to purr, and clocks stopped ticking.

Their dirty second hands had overreached in their greed for relevance and upset the inner-workings of the larger system.

And so their hands were chopped off.

They became known as the “handless clan” and came to see their lack of hands as a blessing, not a curse.

It is easy to impress people when a handless person does everyday tasks.

If we analyze this, the fact that we are impressed may be an indication of subconscious prejudice against the tri-limbed people.

How many pianists have been discriminated against because of their extra abilities?

Every last one that has 3 arms has been dismissed as having an unfair advantage, regardless of talent.

The Association for Persons With Three Arms (APWTA) began to organize a protest of this unfair dismissal.

“Rights for Pentapeople!” “People with five limbs have rights too!”

At the end of the day, what all people want, regardless of limb number or other deformities, is to be recognized and treated with human decency.


These stories are collected from two evenings of collective story-telling at the theme house. Authors are credited in the tags.

I remember quite clearly the death of my father, though it happened before I was born. I don’t just know it from hearing stories; I came into life with a secret. I know things I should not.

Secrets are poisonous, as my mother found out many years ago.

You see, she had kept a secret from my father. It was about her upbringing.

She had kept the secret for years, and she didn’t have the heart to tell him.

So she screamed.

After the clamorous noise ceased, the sun peeked over the horizon to bring about a new, and happy, day.

Thus bees buzz, birds sing, and even willows cease to sag. This is my beloved country, and I love it as no man or woman before.

Maybe that is because I am not a man or a woman, but a robot. A very patriotic robot.

I believe in the American Dream. I want 2.5 robot babies and a white picket fence.

I never expected those robot babies to have so many malfunctions. I swear, we went to the mechanic every other week.

“Holy confetti, they get their fluids everywhere!” The poor mechanic was oft heard muttering to himself.

It was not going to be him cleaning it up… that’s for sure.

After all, he hadn’t signed up for this. Life as a nanny in this strip joint wasn’t all it was talked up to be.


These stories are collected from two evenings of collective story-telling at the theme house. Authors are credited in the tags.